I’m Lorrie, the creator behind the scenes. A few years back I found myself searching for direction and the need to connect to my life’s purpose – beyond being a mom + wife + corporate 9-to-5. I began shifting my focus to self-reflection and prioritizing self-care. My mindset to being present, setting daily intentions, and embracing the "now" became my compass. Through this mindful living, I was able to find calm in my chaos.

On this journey, I realized the profound impact scents had on well-being. The connection between fragrances and emotions became clear – scents played a vital role in cultivating positive thoughts and feelings. I fell in love with creating scents that evoke emotion and connection. I dug deep into the art of candle making and SCENTENTIONS was born! Sharing my creations with you is a dream come true!

At SCENTENTIONS our mission is clear - we strive to help YOU live with intention through scents + crystals that inspire mindfulness and self- awareness. Our goal is to provide products that enhance your ability to live with purpose and direction. Each scent is crafted with the intention to elevate your mind, enhance your mood, and transform your living space.

From cozy nights in to mindful self-care rituals, SCENTENTIONS is your reliable companion on your path to create a harmonious and inspiring everyday life.

I am incredibly grateful to be a part of your journey! xo